Press release 19 September 2022 9:00 AM

Monetary policy challenges, the economic forecast and the life of Risto Ryti all feature in the Bank of Finland Museum’s autumn programme of evening events for the public

The Bank of Finland Museum’s autumn 2022 programme of evening events for the public also highlights the themes of financial supervision, climate stress tests and the accumulation of housing debt.

By arranging these types of events, the Bank of Finland aims to foster financial literacy among the public and to boost knowledge of financial markets. The aim is also to promote dialogue between the Bank and the general public.

The autumn programme’s events will be held in the Bank of Finland Museum (address: Snellmaninkatu 2). The events can also be followed live online. Each evening event starts at 17:00. The events will be recorded and can be viewed afterwards on the Museum’s website.


Tue 4 Oct      Monetary policy’s new challenges: Rapid inflation, slackening economic growth and growing levels of debt
Juha Kilponen, Head of Department

Tue 18 Oct    Climate stress testing for banks: What is tested and why?

Deni Seitz, Risk Specialist, Financial Supervisory Authority

Tue 25 Oct    Talouskirja nyt discussion series: We wanted it all

Deputy Governor of the Bank of Finland Marja Nykänen interviews Minna Sarantola-Weiss, author of the book ‘Me halusimme kaiken’ (‘We wanted it all’), along with Elo’s Chief Economist Tiina Helenius and journalist Unto Hämäläinen about the late 1980s upheavals concerning geopolitics and the dismantling of banking regulations, among other things.

Tue 1 Nov     How would a steep rise in interest rates affect the debt repayment ability of housing loan borrowers in Finland?

Jukka Vauhkonen, Senior Adviser

Tue 8 Nov     Talouskirja nyt discussion series: Cold calculation — The life of economic luminary Risto Ryti

Bank of Finland Governor Olli Rehn interviews Emeritus Professor Sakari Heikkinen and Adjunct Professor Seppo Tiihonen, two of the authors of the book ‘Kylmästi laskeva mies – Talousvaikuttaja Risto Rytin elämä’ (‘Cold calculation — The life of economic luminary Risto Ryti’).

Tue 15 Nov   Online bank problem – What is the supervisor’s role?

Markku Koponen, Head of Division, Financial Supervisory Authority

Tue 20 Dec   Bank of Finland’s latest economic forecast and assessment of public finances

Meri Obstbaum, Head of Division and Jarkko Kivistö, Adviser


For further information, please contact Jaakko Koskentola, Curator of the Bank of Finland Museum, tel. +358 9 183 2607.