Statistics 15 October 2010 5:00 PM

Balance of payments in August 2010

Current account

  • The current account posted a surplus of EUR 0.5 bn, compared to a surplus of EUR 0.3 bn in August 2009.
    • In BOP terms, there was a surplus of EUR 0.2 bn in the balance of trade. Compared to August 2009, exports increased by a third and imports increased by a fourth. Note that last year export and import values were lowest in August.

Trade and current account

Financial account

  • Investment was inward on net, in the amount of EUR 7.4 bn.
    • Direct investment inflows and outflows were of equal magnitude.
    • Portfolio investment was outward on net, in the amount of EUR 1.2 bn.
    • Other investment (loans, deposits and trade credits) was inward on net, in the amount of EUR 9.1 bn.
Portfolio investments

Net international investment position at the end of August

  • Foreign assets exceeded foreign liabilities by EUR 9 bn.
    • Finnish residents’ foreign assets totalled EUR 549 bn.
    • Finnish residents’ foreign liabilities totalled EUR 540 bn.
  • Net international investment position – excluding equity items – was EUR 48 bn.
Net international investment position

Finland's balance of payments

Year 2009,
EUR million

July 2010,
EUR million
August 2010,
EUR million
12 month moving sum, EUR million
Current account 4,696 440 451 4,602
Goods 3,395 118 197 2,995
Services 1,329 96 87 1,742
Income 1,661 346 287 1,564
Transfers -1,689 -120 -120 -1,700
Capital account 145 12 12 145
Financial account 11,011 -8,976 7,389 -696
Direct investment -2,762 -606 45 -2,162
Portfolio investment -513 260 -1,160 -125
Other investment 12,669 -8,970 9,087 326
Reserve assets -614 -121 269 907
Financial derivatives 2,231 460 -851 358
Errors and omissions -15,852 8,525 -7,852 -4,051

 The statistics become final more than two years after the end of the reference year.

For more information, please contact: Jaakko Suni tel. +358 10 831 2454, email firstname.surname(at)