Statistics 13 August 2010 12:00 AM

Balance of payments June 2010

Current account

  • The current account posted a surplus of EUR 0.6 bn. The current account of a year earlier had been EUR 0.3 bn in deficit. The current account of for January - June still posted a deficit of EUR 0.8 bn.
    • In BOP terms, there was a surplus of EUR 0.6 bn on the balance of trade. There was growth in imports and exports over June 2009, by almost a quarter.
Portfolio investments

Financial account

  • Investment was outward on net, in the amount of EUR 0.5 bn.
    • There was a EUR 1.1 bn net outflow of capital in the form of direct investment.
    • Portfolio investment was outward on net, in the amount of EUR 1.9 bn.
    • Other investments (loans, deposits, trade credits) resulted in a net capital inflow of EUR 2.4 bn.
Corporate foreign liabilities

Net international investment at the end of June

  • The new international investment position was a positive EUR 5 bn.
    • Finnish residents' foreign claims were EUR 512 bn.
    • Finnish residents' foreign liabilities were EUR 507 bn.
  • Finland's net international investment position excluding equity items was positive, in the amount of EUR 47 bn.
Trade and current account


Finland's balance of payments


Year 2009,
EUR million

May 2010,
EUR million
June 2010,
EUR million
12 month moving sum, EUR million
Current account 2,263 -857 638 2,611
    Goods 3,541 362 603 3,337
    Services 1,506 42 21 1,955
    Income -1,118 -1,093 182 -997
    Transfers -1,665 -168 -168 -1,683
Capital account 145 12 12 145
Financial account 13,654 824 -523 5,008
    Direct investment -70 251 -1,051 717
    Portfolio investment -502 438 -1,867 -369
    Other investment 12,067 -78 2,425 2,183
    Reserve assets -614 176 124 640
    Financial derivatives 2,773 37 -154 1,836
Errors and omissions -16,062 20 -127 -7,764


The statistics become final more than two years after the end of the reference year.

For more information, please contact: Jaakko Suni tel. +358 10 831 2454, email firstname.surname(at)