Statistics 13 April 2012 10:00 AM

Finland’s balance of payments in February 2012

Current account

The current account posted a deficit of EUR 0.2 bn in February, compared to a surplus of EUR 0.2 bn in February 2011. According to the aggregate for the previous 12 months, the current account posted a deficit of EUR 1.9 bn.

  • In BOP terms, there was a deficit in February of EUR 0.4 bn on the trade balance.
  • There was a surplus posted on services to the amount of EUR 0.08 bn.
  • The income account posted a surplus of EUR 0.2 bn.
  • The current transfers account posted a deficit of EUR 0.15 bn.
Trade and current account 

Financial account

Investment was inward on net, in the amount of EUR 3.6 bn.

  • There was a EUR 0.02 bn net outflow of capital in the form of direct investment.
  • Portfolio investment was inward on net, in the amount of EUR 1.5 bn.
  • Other investment (loans, deposits and trade credits) was inward on net, in the amount of EUR 1.9 bn.
Portfolio investments

Net international investment position at the end of February

The international investment position was a positive EUR 24 bn.

  • Finnish residents’ foreign assets totalled EUR 693 bn.
  • Finnish residents’ foreign liabilities totalled EUR 669 bn.

Net international investment position – excluding equity items – was a negative EUR 55 bn.

Net international investment position 


Finland's balance of payments
Year 2011,
EUR million
January 2012,
EUR million
February 2012,
EUR million
12 month moving sum, EUR million
Current account -1,272 175 -230 -1,924
    Goods -1,115 3 -401 -1,689
    Services 926 100 82 960
    Income 552 222 239 442
    Current transfers -1,636 -150 -150 -1,636
Capital account 178 13 13 175
Financial account 9,504 5,300 3,645 17,764
    Direct investment -3,858 -443 -24 -3,445
    Portfolio investment 9,614 1,321 1,466 10,791
    Other investment 3,445 4,218 1,904 9,254
    Reserve assets -320 -196 18 -421
    Financial derivatives 623 400 281 1,584
Errors and omissions -8,410 -5,488 -3,428 -16,016
The statistics become final more than two years after the end of the reference year.

More information Anne Turkkila tel. +358 10 831 2175, and Maria Huhtaniska-Montiel tel. +358 10 831 2534, email firstname.lastname(at)

The next balance of payments bulletin will be published at 10.00 am on 15 May 2012.

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