Private equity funds

In accordance with requirements by the European Central Bank (ECB), the collection of investment fund balance sheet statistics on investment funds registered in Finland was extended to cover also private equity and real estate funds (PEF), which were not included in the Bank of Finland's data collection of balance sheet statistics before the first quarter of 2015.  PEF data collection is separate from the AIFM reporting managed and collected by the Financial Supervisory Authority. 

Private equity fund balance sheet statistics (PEF)






Link to fund list


Previous instructions

The collection of statistical data is based on the following ragulations

Further information

Further information

Email: sijoitusrahastot(at)

Katja Kirves Henna Jääskeläinen    
Economist Economist    
Tel. +358 9 183 2415 Tel. +358 9 183 2310    

Personal email addresses are in the format