Call for Papers: Bank of Finland and CEPR Joint Conference on Frontiers of Monetary Economics in the 21st century: Where and Where to?
13-14 May 2025 in Helsinki
Submission deadline: February 15, 2025

In addition to contributed papers, the program will feature presentations by invited speakers Klaus Adam (University College London and CEPR), Francesco Bianchi (Johns Hopkins University), Swati Dhingra (Bank of England, London School of Economics and CEPR), Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan (Brown University and CEPR) and a policy keynote by Governor Olli Rehn (Bank of Finland).
The geopolitical shocks and tensions have brought along new uncertainties and fragmentation that have created a challenging economic environment for monetary policy. Years of low inflation and low policy interest rates have been followed by a period of high inflation and vulnerable growth. In this landscape, some of the leading central banks are conducting their strategy reviews. Both policy makers and researchers are evaluating their current policy strategies instruments, and models. The standard frameworks are being extended to account for heterogeneities, subjective beliefs, monetary-fiscal interactions and non-linearities. Additionally, the long-term effects of monetary policy are receiving a fresh look. New developments in the financial sector may create new transmission channels for monetary policy that need to be better understood. In addition, the European growth challenge may call for deeper understanding of the policy mix and institutions that also shape the context of monetary policy in a monetary union.
The conference will bring together top researchers from academia, central banks, and other policy institutions to present research findings related to monetary economics. More broadly speaking, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Identification of Demand and Supply Shocks for Monetary Policy
- Monetary Policy and the Labour Market
- Expectations and Inflation Dynamics
- Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy Transmission
- Banks, Non-banks and Monetary Policy Transmission
- Monetary Policy Strategies for the Long-term: Rules and Discretion
- Monetary-Fiscal Interactions
- Institutions, Safe Assets and Policies in a Monetary Union
- Geopolitical Shocks, Fragmentation and Monetary Policy
We invite authors to submit completed papers or extended abstracts. Preferences are for completed papers. If you know of a paper that fits the conference theme, please forward this message to the authors. Please note that the event is in person only.
How to Apply:
Authors who already have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:
- Going to and logging in
- After you have logged in, go to
- Click on "Step 1: Apply"
- Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"
- Tick the boxes that apply to you
- Tick "Would you like to submit a paper?", upload your paper and supply the requested information.
- Click "Submit form" to make the submission.
Authors who do not have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:
- Creating a new profile here
- After you have logged in, go to
- Click on "Step 1: Apply"
- Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"
- Tick the boxes that apply to you
- Tick "Would you like to submit a paper?", upload your paper and supply the requested information.
- Click "Submit form" to make the submission
The organisers will select the papers based on originality, analytical rigor, and policy relevance.
Should you face any difficulties with the submission, please contact meets(at) On local organisation, please contact Riikka Virtanen, riikka.virtanen(at)
The deadline for paper submission is 24h00 (GMT) February 15, 2025. Only the authors of accepted papers will be informed by March 14, 2025. Travel and local accommodation for speakers and discussants from academic institutions will be funded by the Bank of Finland.
Organizing Committee:
Francesco D’Acunto (Georgetown University and CEPR)
Juha Kilponen (Bank of Finland)
Esa Jokivuolle (Bank of Finland)
Nigel McClung (Bank of Finland)
Michael Weber (University of Chicago and CEPR)