All search results
Your search for research resulted in 54 hits
2020 -
Call for Papers: 19th Annual Dynare Conference on Heterogeneity and Nonlinearities in Macroeconomics -
Call for Papers: Bank of Finland and CEPR Joint Conference on Frontiers of Monetary Economics in the 21st century: Where and Where to? -
Seminars and conferences -
Monetary Policy and Research -
Research -
Christopher Gibbs (University of Sydney) - Optimal Monetary Policy when Expectations are Rational, Fixed, Learned, or Anything in Between -
Albert Queralto - Uncertainty Shocks, Global Banks, and Foreign Currency Arbitrage -
Michael Ehrmann (ECB) - The Effect of Monetary Policy on Inflation Heterogeneity Along the Income Distribution -
Bank of Finland and CEPR Joint Conference on Back to Basics and Beyond: New Insights for Monetary Policy Normalisation -
2024 -
Bank of Finland and CEPR Joint Conference on Back to Basics and Beyond: New Insights for Monetary Policy Normalisation -
Roberto Chang (Rutgers University) - Should Central Banks Have an Inequality Objective? -
7th Annual Workshop of ESCB Research Cluster 3 on Financial Stability, Macroprudential Regulation and Microprudential Supervision -
7th Annual Workshop of ESCB Research Cluster 3 on Financial Stability, Macroprudential Regulation and Microprudential Supervision -
XX European System of Central Banks Emerging Markets Workshop -
Renato Faccini (Danmarks Nationalbank) - Beyond the Phillips curve trade-off: How to decrease inflation while increasing aggregate demand -
Sebastian Schmidt (ECB) - Monetary-fiscal policy interactions with endogenous regime shifts -
Jean-Paul Renne (University of Lausanne) - Fiscal Fatigue, Fiscal Limits and Sovereign Credit Spreads -
Francis Warnock (University of Virginia) - Preferred Habitats and Timing in the World’s Safe Asset -
Andrew Foerster (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) - Estimating Macroeconomic Models of Financial Crises: An Endogenous Regime-Switching Approach -
RiskLab/BoF/ESRB Conference on AI and Systemic Risk Analytics -
RiskLab/BoF/ESRB Conference on Systemic Risk Analytics -
Søren Hove Ravn (University of Copenhagen) - The Transmission of Foreign Demand Shocks -
Sanjay Singh (University of California, Davis) - The financial origins of non-fundamental risk -
Ryan Kim (Johns Hopkins University) - Demonetization and Firm Exports -
Matti Sarvimäki - Exposure(s) to Trade and Earnings Dynamics: Evidence from the Collapse of Finnish-Soviet Trade -
Lena Dräger - Inflation Literacy, Inflation Expectations, and Trust in the Central Bank: A Survey Experiment -
Christian Siegel (University of Kent) - Routine-biased technical change, structure of employment, and cross-country income differences -
2023 -
Bank of Finland and CEPR Joint Conference on Monetary Policy in the Post-Pandemic Era -
2022 -
Bank of Finland and SUERF joint conference on Monetary Policy Approaches: A Comparative Appraisal -
Bank of Finland - CEPR joint conference on New Avenues for Monetary Policy -
Bank of Finland - CEPR Joint Conference on New Avenues for Monetary Policy -
2021 -
The Bank of Finland Monetary Policy webinar: New Challenges to Monetary Policy Strategies -
The Bank of Finland Monetary Policy webinar: New Challenges to Monetary Policy Strategies -
Monetary Policy Tools and Their Impact on the Macroeconomy -
Conference on Monetary Policy Tools and Their Impact on the Macroeconomy -
Economics of Payments X -
Board Member Tuomas Välimäki: Opening remarks at the SUERF preconference dinner on 19 September, Helsinki -
Michal Rubaszek (SGH Warsaw School of Economics): The predictive power of equilibrium exchange rate models -
Sari Kerr (Wellesley College): House Prices, Home Equity and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from U.S. Census Micro Data -
Manuel M. F. Martins (Cef.up and Faculty of Economics, University of Porto): The Phillips Curve at 60: time for time -frequency -
Post-crisis policy challenges and implications for macro modelling -
Monetary Economics and Reality -
The Nowcasting model -
Bank of Finland refereed research -
Scientific monographs -
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers -
Research evaluation -
Research Unit -
Research publication