Olli-Matti Laine

Byrån för penningpolitik och euroområdets ekonomi
Monetary Policy Below Zero: An Empirical Investigation of the Reversal Rate (19.3.2025). Zuzana Fungáčová; Eeva Kerola; Olli-Matti Laine. International Journal of Central Banking (Forthcoming).
Pushing and pulling on a string? Inflationary effects of expansionary and contractionary monetary policies when rates are negative (9.12.2023). Olli-Matti Laine; Matias Pihlajamaa. Economic Modelling.
Monetary policy transmission to firms’ investments — It may depend on the tool (15.6.2023). Olli-Matti Laine. Economics Letters.
Monetary Policy and Stock Market Valuation (1.3.2023). Olli-Matti Laine. International Journal of Central Banking.
The Term Structure of Equity Premia and the Macroeconomy : Some Results (14.5.2022). Olli-Matti Laine. Economics Letters.
Nowcasting Finnish GDP growth using financial variables: a MIDAS approach (28.11.2021). Olli-Matti Laine; Annika Lindblad. Journal of the Finnish Economic Association.
The Effect of Targeted Monetary Policy on Bank Lending (18.6.2021). Olli-Matti Laine. Journal of Banking and Financial Economics.
The effect of the ECB’s conventional monetary policy on the real economy : FAVAR-approach (11.7.2019). Olli-Matti Laine. Empirical Economics.
Impact of ECB’s policy rate changes on corporate loan rates varies strongly across countries, Bank of Finland. Bulletin (14.11.2024). Eeva Kerola; Olli-Matti Laine; Aleksi Paavola.
Forecasting inflation : A comparison of the ECB’s short-term inflation projections and inflation-linked swaps (8.11.2024). Jetro Anttonen; Olli-Matti Laine. BoF Economics Review
EKP:n korkomuutosten vaikutukset yrityslainojen korkoihin vaihtelevat voimakkaasti eri maiden välillä, Euro & talous (1.10.2024). Eeva Kerola; Olli-Matti Laine; Aleksi Paavola.
Rahapolitiikan kiristäminen on hillinnyt hintojen nousua, Euro & talous. Analyysi (22.11.2023). Lauri Vilmi; Jaakko Nelimarkka; Olli-Matti Laine.
Määrällinen kiristäminen hillitsee hintapaineita, Euro & talous (3.10.2023). Jaakko Nelimarkka; Olli-Matti Laine.
Assessing targeted longer-term refinancing operations : identification through search intensity (21.9.2023). Olli-Matti Laine; Jaakko Nelimarkka. Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers
Monetary policy transmission below zero (27.6.2023). Zuzana Fungáčová; Eeva Kerola; Olli-Matti Laine. Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers
Asymmetric effects of conventional and unconventional monetary policy when rates are low (15.3.2023). Olli-Matti Laine; Matias Pihlajamaa. Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers
Evidence about the transmission of monetary policy (3.6.2022). Olli-Matti Laine. Bank of Finland. Scientific monographs. E
Sota näkyy euroalueella jo luottamusilmapiirissä ja energiahinnoissa – uhkaako hidas kasvu ja nopea inflaatio?, Euro & talous. Analyysi (7.4.2022). Pasi Ikonen; Olli-Matti Laine; Seija Parviainen.
Monetary policy measures taken during pandemic revived euro area economy, Bank of Finland. Bulletin (12.10.2021). Olli-Matti Laine; Jaakko Nelimarkka.
Pandemian aikaiset rahapoliittiset toimet ovat elvyttäneet euroalueen taloutta, Euro & talous (16.9.2021). Olli-Matti Laine; Jaakko Nelimarkka.
The effects of the ECB's pandemic-related monetary policy measures (1.9.2021). Jaakko Nelimarkka; Olli-Matti Laine. BoF Economics Review
Monetary policy rules and the effective lower bound in the Euro area (8.4.2021). Markus Haavio; Olli-Matti Laine. Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers
Yritysten markkinavoima on kasvanut muualla paitsi Suomessa, Euro & talous. Blogi (21.9.2018). Olli-Matti Laine.
Level, distribution and long-term development of market power in Finland (6.9.2018). Olli-Matti Laine. BoF Economics Review
Financial market forecasts inflation at least as well as central bankers (16.1.2025). Olli-Matti Laine; Jetro Anttonen. SUERF Policy Brief.
Targeted longer-term refinancing operations decreased overall credit costs and boosted economic growth (15.12.2023). Olli-Matti Laine; Jaakko Nelimarkka. SUERF Policy Brief.
Monetary policy transmission below zero : In search of the reversal rate (30.11.2023). Zuzana Fungáčová; Eeva Kerola; Olli-Matti Laine. SUERF Policy Brief.
Going low for long : The reversal rate is real (20.11.2023). Zuzana Fungáčová; Eeva Kerola; Olli-Matti Laine. VoxEU.
The effect of monetary policy on stock market valuation is maybe not what you think (15.11.2021). Olli-Matti Laine. SUERF Policy Brief.
Monetary policy space and monetary policy strategies for the euro area (15.6.2021). Olli-Matti Laine; Markus Haavio. SUERF Policy Brief.
Rahapolitiikka euroalueella (7.10.2024).
Talouskatsaus (16.5.2024).
Assessing Targeted Longer-Term Refinancing Operations (9.2.2024).
Monetary policy transmission below zero (19.9.2023).
Rahapolitiikan välineet ja vaikutukset (2.12.2022).
The Effect of TLTRO-II on Bank Lending (6.2.2020).
Pienikin vihjaus voi muuttaa pörssien suunnan - KL listasi 10 asiaa, jotka jokaisen sijoittajan pitää nyt ymmärtää rahapolitiikasta (7.2.2024). Kauppalehti.