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Din sökning av BOFIT ledde till 33 Träffar
BOFITs prognos: Rysslands ekonomiska tillväxt bromsar in betydligt -
BOFITs prognos om utvecklingen av den kinesiska ekonomin för 2024–2026: för att upprätthålla den ekonomiska utvecklingen i Kina behövs ökad produktivitet -
Etienne Lepers (OECD) - Evolving Drivers and Recomposition of Portfolio Flows to Emerging Markets: Evidence from Bilateral and Investment Fund-level Data -
BOFITs prognos om den ekonomiska utvecklingen i Ryssland 2024–2026: Rysslands ekonomi saktar in -
BOFIT Forecast for China 2024-2026 Webinar -
Chang Ma (Fudan University) - The Spillover Effects of Real Estate -
Falk Laser (ABC economics, Berlin) - Currency Compositions of International Reserves - Recent Developments -
Andrei Markevich (University of Helsinki) - American Relief and the Soviet Famine of 1921-22 -
Iryna Stewen (University of Hamburg) - Trade Shock and Consumption Risk Sharing -
Workshop on Banking and Finance in Emerging Markets -
Tuuli McCully (BOFIT) and Riikka Nuutilainen (BOFIT): Bilateral trade relationships with Chinese characteristics – a gravity model approach to Chinese imports -
Juha Tervala (University of Helsinki) - Inefficiency Unveiled: A Bayesian DSGE Analysis of Public Investment in China -
BOFIT Venäjä-tietoisku 2024 -
Heli Simola (BOFIT): Trade destruction and trade diversion – effects of trade sanctions on trade with Russia -
Jan Fidrmuc (Université de Lille) - Does education affect religiosity? Causal evidence from a conservative emerging economy -
Laurent Weill (University of Strasbourg) - Do Risky Banks Pay their Employees More? -
XX European System of Central Banks Emerging Markets Workshop -
Yongjian Lyu (Southwest University of Finance and Economics) - Risk Spillovers from the Chinese Real Estate Market to the Financial System: Does Monetary Policy Uncertainty Matter? -
Menzie D. Chinn (University of Wisconsin) - The Predictive Power of the Term Spread and Financial Variables for Economic Activity across Countries -
Sonalika Sinha (Reserve Bank of India): Effectiveness of macroprudential regulations and capital controls – Evidence from India -
John Earle (George Mason University) - Damaged Collateral, Firm-Level Consequences, and Russia’s War in Ukraine -
Guanghua Wan (Fudan University) - Education Expansion and Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from China -
Povilas Lastauskas (Queen Mary University of London) - Trade Persistence Heterogeneity -
BOFIT Forecast for Russia 2023-2024 -
Çiğdem Börke Tunali (Istanbul University) - Migration and Regional Adjustment to Asymmetric Shocks in Turkey -
Abigail S. Hornstein (Wesleyan University) - Economic Growth, Sentiment and Uncertainty -
Luhang Wang (Xiamen University) - Productivity Growth in China’s Manufacturing Sector: 1998-2013 -
Sonalika Sinha (Reserve Bank of India) - Anatomy of a Liquidity Shock on Non-banks -
Travis Ng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) - Do Weak Contracting Institutions Impede the Formation of R&D Alliance: Evidence from China -
Workshop on ''Recent Developments and Future Prospects for the International Monetary System'' -
BOFIT Forecast for China 2023-2025 Webinar -
Jan Fidrmuc (Université de Lille) - Normal Countries? -