Board and organisation

The Bank of Finland’s governing bodies are the Parliamentary Supervisory Council and the Board. The Board is responsible for the administration of the Bank, and the Parliamentary Supervisory Council for supervising the administration and activities of the Bank and for other statutory tasks.

The Board consists of the Chairman and a maximum of five other members. The President of the Republic appoints the Chairman of the Board for a seven-year term. The other members of the Board are appointed by the Parliamentary Supervisory Council, each for a five-year term.

The members of the Board are Governor Olli Rehn (Chairman of the Board), Marja Nykänen (Deputy Governor) and Tuomas Välimäki. Elisa Newby is Secretary to the Board.

The Parliamentary Supervisory Council consists of nine members elected by Parliament. The members of the Parliamentary Supervisory Council elect a chairman and a deputy chairman from among themselves.

The members of the Parliamentary Supervisory Council are Antti Lindtman (Chairman), Matias Marttinen, (Deputy Chairman), Janne Heikkinen, Krista Kiuru, Sakari Puisto, Minna Reijonen, Annika Saarikko, Ville Vähämäki and Ben Zyskowicz. Kimmo Virolainen, DSc (Econ. & Bus. Admin.) and Anne Hedman, Master of Laws (LLM) serve as secretaries to the Council.

The Bank of Finland has approximately 375 employees and seven departments. The number of personnel at the Financial Supervisory Authority is approximately 240. The Financial Supervisory Authority operates administratively in connection with the Bank of Finland, but in its supervisory work it takes its decisions independently. Of the Financial Supervisory Authority’s activities, 95% are funded by supervised entities, with the remaining 5% provided by the Bank of Finland.