News 29 November 2019 3:45 PM

Data Driven Financial Stability conference to discuss financial market impacts of artificial intelligence and big data

The Bank of Finland is organising an international conference on the financial markets’ use of artificial intelligence and big data, to be held in the Finlandia Hall in Helsinki on 2–3 December.

Financial market operations are increasingly based on data and technology. These forces of change could generate new threats to financial stability, but they could also form the foundation for more stable markets. The conference will offer experts the opportunity to get valuable information and share their own experiences with international actors and colleagues.

Themes that will be discussed at the conference include:

  • New threats and opportunities based on artificial intelligence and data
  • Alternative information sources and data mining as a source of new information
  • Cooperation and open information (data and source code) initiatives
  • The future from a financial stability perspective

During this event we will hear a variety of presentations and a panel discussion on themes relating to artificial intelligence and big data. The conference will be opened by the Governor of the Bank of Finland, Olli Rehn.

The conference is aimed at central banks, financial supervisors, academics, experts in the field and others interested in the topic.

See the whole programme and follow the event live

See the conference programme online.

The Data Driven Financial Stability conference will be held in English and will be streamed live online.