News 8 May 2020 3:00 PM

Anna Hyrske appointed Principal Responsibility Specialist at the Bank of Finland

Anna Hyrske, MSc (Economics) has been appointed Principal Responsibility Specialist at the Asset Management division of the Market Operations department, as of 20 July 2020. The appointment is for a fixed term of five years. Ms Hyrske will be responsible for developing responsible investment at the Bank of Finland and for defining the related strategies. She will also be the Bank of Finland's representative in the Eurosystem's work in the area of sustainability.

Anna Hyrske has since 1999 been working for Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company, most recently as Head of Responsible Investment. Her past positions include as a responsible investment expert and a portfolio manager, for example in Ilmarinen's Asian operations. Ms Hyrske has published several articles and books on responsible investment and has operated actively in various fora on responsible investment.

The Bank of Finland's financial assets and the Bank's share of the foreign reserves of the European Central Bank are invested in high grade bonds, equities and real estate.

The Board of the Bank of Finland launched in December 2019 a sustainability programme, in connection with which the Bank signed the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). In signing the Principles, the Bank committed to incorporating the various responsibility factors in its investment processes as well as in its ownership policies and practices.

Read more about the Bank of Finland's sustainability programme: 

For further information, please contact Jarno Ilves, Head of Division, tel. +358 9 183 2267 and Anna Hyrske, tel. +358 400 271 371.