Statistics 15 May 2014 10:00 AM

Balance of payments, March 2014

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Responsibility for the compilation of balance of payments was transferred from the Bank of Finland to Statistics Finland on 1 January 2014. During the transition period 1 January 2014 – 30 June 2014, monthly balance of payments releases will continue to be published via the Bank of Finland’s website. Balance of payments data published after the transition period will be posted on Statistics Finland’s website. Statistics Finland is responsible for the content of published releases and data figures.

As of July 11th 2014, Finland will publish its balance of payments data in accordance with the guidelines and recommendations of BPM6. At the same time, Finland will adopt the new ECB Guidelines and the European Union Regulations.
Here is a link to information on the changes that the new statistics standards cause in the compilation of balance of payments statistics:


Current account

In March, the current account posted a deficit of EUR 0.5 bn, compared to a deficit of EUR 0.4 bn a year earlier. The 12-month cumulated current account posted a deficit of EUR 2 bn.

  • In balance of payments terms, the trade account posted a surplus of EUR 0.1 bn.
Trade and current account

Financial account

Investment was inward on net, in the amount of EUR 0.3 bn.

  • Direct investment was EUR 0.3 bn outward on net.
  • Portfolio investment was EUR 0.9 bn inward on net.
  • Other investment (loans, deposits and trade credits) was EUR 0.2 bn outward on net.
Portfolio investments

Net international investment position at end-March

Foreign assets exceeded foreign liabilities by EUR 20 bn.

  • Finnish residents’ foreign assets totalled EUR 633 bn.
  • Finnish residents’ foreign liabilities totalled EUR 613 bn.

Net international investment position – excluding equity items – was a negative EUR 67 bn.

Net international investment position
Finland's balance of payments
Year 2013,
EUR million
February 2014,
EUR million
March 2014,
EUR million
12 month moving sum, EUR million
Current account -2,078 87 -509 -1,965
    Goods 130 126 90 296
    Services 447 42 -22 305
    Income -535 161 -290 -538
    Current transfers -2,120 -242 -288 -2,029
Capital account 212 17 16 214
Financial account -698 -2,196 261 -2,027
    Direct investment -3,841 3,043 -318 -2,085
    Portfolio investment 2,578 2,323 941 6,251
    Other investment -785 -7,664 -230 -8,009
    Reserve assets -768 58 -89 -653
    Financial derivatives 2,118 44 -44 2,469
Errors and omissions 2,563 2,092 232 3,778
The statistics become final more than two years after the end of the reference year.

For further information, please contact Pauliina Turunen, tel. +358 9 1734 2958, and Mira Malhotra, tel. +358 9 1734 3411, email: firstname.lastname(at)

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