Statistics 13 January 2012 10:00 AM

Balance of payments, November 2011

Current account

The current account posted a surplus of EUR 0.3 bn, ie approximately as much as a year earlier.

  • In BOP terms, there was a deficit of EUR 41 million on the balance of trade. A year earlier, there was a surplus of EUR 22 million.

Revised balance of trade data for 2010 will be published on 15 March 2012, in accord with the normal BOP revision schedule.

Trade and current account

Financial account

Investment was inward on net, in the amount of EUR 2.9 bn.

  • There was a EUR 0.3 bn net inflow of capital in the form of direct investment.
  • Portfolio investment was inward on net, in the amount of EUR 2.6 bn.
  • Other investments (loans, deposits and trade credits) resulted in a net capital outflow of EUR 0.2 bn.
Portfolio investments

Net international investment position at the end of November

The international investment position was a positive EUR 21 bn.

  • Finnish residents’ foreign claims were EUR 652 bn.
  • Finnish residents’ foreign liabilities were EUR 631 bn.

Finland's net international investment position excluding equity items was a negative EUR 49 bn.

Net international investment position
Finland's balance of payments
Year 2010,
EUR million
October 2011,
EUR million
November 2011,
EUR million
12 month moving sum, EUR million
Current account 3,302 -407 302 -184
    Goods 2,999 -398 -41 -111
    Services 138 200 197 659
    Income 1,831 -99 256 924
    Current transfers -1,667 -110 -110 -1,657
Capital account 160 13 13 159
Financial account -1,440 6,084 2,857 7,613
    Direct investment -2,711 100 316 -3,440
    Portfolio investment -6,304 5,368 2,640 4,036
    Other investment 6,276 793 -193 6,602
    Reserve assets 1,661 -58 57 -521
    Financial derivatives -362 -119 37 937
Errors and omissions -2,021 -5,691 -3,173 -7,588
The statistics become final more than two years after the end of the reference year.

More information Anne Turkkila tel. +358 10 831 2175, and Maria Huhtaniska-Montiel tel. +358 10 831 2534, email firstname.lastname(at)

The next balance of payments bulletin will be published at 10.00 am on 15 February 2012.

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