Statistics 15 April 2011 10:00 AM

Balance of payments, February 2011

Current account

  • Current account in February 2011 EUR 0.5 bn in surplus, ie EUR 0.3 bn higher than a year earlier.
  • In BOP terms, trade account EUR 0.2 bn in surplus. A year earlier exports and imports were equal and BOP trade account was in balance.


Trade and current account

Financial account

  • Net capital inflow of EUR 0.4 bnNet capital outflow of EUR 0.1 bn.
  • Net outflow of EUR 0.4 bn in direct investment.
  • Net inflow of EUR 1.6 bn in portfolio investment.
  • Net outflow of EUR 1.6 bn in other investment (loans, deposits and trade credits).


Portfolio investments

Net international investment position at end-February

  • Finnish residents’ foreign assets exceeded foreign liabilities by EUR 14 bn.
  • Foreign assets totalled EUR 554 bnForeign assets totalled EUR 546 bn.
  • Foreign liabilities totalled EUR 532 bn.
  • Net international investment position excluding equity items was a negative EUR 51 bn.

Net international investment position

Finland's balance of payments

Year 2010,
EUR million
January 2011,
EUR million
February 2011,
EUR million
12 month moving sum, EUR million
Current account 5,636 375 457 5,962
    Goods 3,382 137 210 3,680
    Services 2,151 18 20 2,035
    Income 1,721 369 374 1,866
    Current transfers -1,618 -148 -148 -1,618
Capital account 184 15 15 184
Financial account -3,316 116 -82 -1,547
    Direct investment -3,459 -357 -433 -4,750
    Portfolio investment -7,872 -1,613 1,570 -5,510
    Other investment 6,716 2,815 -1,592 8,053
    Reserve assets 1,661 -680 604 1,503
    Financial derivatives -362 -48 -231 -843
Errors and omissions -2,503 -506 -390 -4,599
The statistics become final more than two years after the end of the reference year.


More information
Jaakko Suni tel. +358 10 831 2454, email firstname.lastname(at)

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