Statistics 15 April 2010 12:00 AM

Finland’s balance of payments in February 2010

Current account


  • current account EUR 97.9 million in surplus
  • in BOP terms, goods account EUR 133.7 million in surplus

Trade and current account

Financial account

  • net capital outflow EUR 3.9 billion
  • net inflow of EUR 0.7 billion in direct investment
  • net outflow of EUR 0.5 billion in portfolio investment
  • net outflow of EUR 4.1 billion in other investment (loans, deposits and trade credits)


Portfolio investment

Net international investment position at end of February

  • Finnish residents’ foreign assets EUR 464 billion
  • Finnish residents’ foreign liabilities EUR 471 billion
  • Finland’s net international investment position negative, in the amount of EUR 7 billion
  • Finland’s net international investment position excluding equity items negative, in the amount of EUR 42 billion
Net international investment position

Finland's balance of payments

Year 2009,
EUR million

January 2010,
EUR million
February 2010,
EUR million
12 month moving sum, EUR million
Current account 2,263 269 98 2,413
    Goods 3,517 104 134 3,518
    Services 1,546 135 116 1,729
    Income -1,129 171 -11 -1,163
    Transfers -1,671 -141 -141 -1,671
Capital account 145 12 12 145
Financial account 13,475 2,663 -3,856 8,373
    Direct investment -248 245 739 785
    Portfolio investment -502 -2,691 -468 -4,235
    Other investment 12,066 3,953 -4,105 12,105
    Reserve assets -614 679 -598 -520
    Financial derivatives 2,773 477 575 237
Errors and omissions -15,883 -2,944 3,746 -10,931
The statistics become final more than two years after the end of the reference year.

More information
Anne Turkkila tel. +358 10 831 2175, email firstname.surname(at)