Statistics 15 April 2008 12:00 AM

Current account posts EUR 1.09 bn surplus in February


Current account

The current account posted a surplus of EUR 1.09 bn in February 2008 compared with a surplus of EUR 0.61 bn in the same period the previous year. For the twelve-months March 2007–February 2008, the current account recorded a surplus of EUR 8.73 bn.

In BOP terms, there was a EUR 0.77 bn surplus on goods and a EUR 0.04
bn deficit on services in February. The income account posted a surplus of EUR 0.31 bn and the current transfers account a surplus of EUR 0.05 bn.

Financial account, flows

Capital outflows in February 2008 exceeded inflows by EUR 0.21 bn euro. There was a net inflow of EUR 0.27 bn in direct investment, the stocks of outward and inward direct investment increasing by EUR 0.06 bn and EUR 0.33 bn respectively. Portfolio investment was outward on net, in the amount of EUR 4.50 bn: external assets grew by EUR 1.37 bn, whereas external liabilities declined by EUR 3.13 bn. Of the decrease in liabilities, EUR 3.95 bn was attributable to money market instruments. Other investments (loans, deposits, trade credits and other items) resulted in a net capital inflow of EUR 4.31 bn.

International investment position, stock

An analysis of Finland’s net international investment position (NIIP) at the end of February shows that Finnish residents' external liabilities were EUR 37.36 bn more than their external assets. External assets totalled EUR 387 bn, while liabilities amounted to EUR 424 bn.

The external liabilities of non-financial corporations, monetary financial institutions (MFIs), central government and local government exceeded their external assets. Equity-related liabilities accounted for most of the debt accumulated by non-financial corporations. In contrast, the external assets of the central bank, other financial institutions, employment pension funds and households exceeded their external liabilities.

Finland's net international investment position excluding equity items at the end of February was a positive EUR 10.23 bn.


Year 2007,
EUR million
January 2008,
EUR million
February 2008,
EUR million
12 month moving sum, EUR million
Current account 8,221 574 1,089 8,733
    Goods 8,662 478 769 9,050
    Services -140 -40 -36 162
    Income 1,084 296 306 906
    Transfers -1,385 -160 50 -1,385
Capital account* 173
Financial account -7,644 -1,892 -207 -8,684
    Direct investment -107 -557 274 -3,508
    Portfolio investment -7,790 -1,374 -4,502 -8,000
    Other investment 959 526 4,307 4,829
    Reserve assets -227 29 -72 -308
    Financial derivatives -479 -515 -214 -1,695
Errors and omissions -750 1,318 -882 -194


The statistics become final more than two years after the end of the reference year.
* Capital account is not estimated monthly. The figures are published first after the yearly data are prepared.

More information
Jaakko Suni tel. +358 10 831 2454, email firstname.surname(at)