Reform of the reporting system
The Bank of Finland has selected eRegulatory system provided by Regnology France (formerly Invoke) as the new reporting system. During 2024, all Bank of Finland's data collections have been transferred to the new system, and the DCS2 has been decommissioned.

First data collections were migrated to new system in summer 2024
The reform of the reporting system concerns all Bank of Finland statistical data collections. The data collections have been migrated to the new platform gradually during the 2024. The submission of reports to the new system has started from the reporting periods indicated below.
Reporting period |
Data collection |
2024M8 | SAVE |
2024M9, 2024Q3 | KOTI, MAPE (Q), RATI (M, Q), PEF |
2024M12, 2024Q4, 2024H2 | MAPE (H), MURA, SIRA, TIHA, LUOTI (M, Q) |
New user interface for reporters
The user interface and functionalities of the data collection platform are changed for the new system. Two environments have been opened to reporters, Validation service (test environment) and Reporter portal (production environment.
Validation service
Reporter portal
Reports to be submitted through user interface or API
Reporting will be available both on a form and as a file transfer, either through the browser interface or an SFTP connection. Reporting using an SFTP connection is suitable for obliged entities with a lot of reportable data or reporting they want to automate. If you wish to start using an SFTP connection, please contact the Bank of Finland.
The structure of the report files changes from the CSV file format to XML. More detailed description of the changes and file structure can be found in the reporting-specific schemas and technical instructions, which have been published on each data collection’s website.
The Bank of Finland will provide reporters with access to a conversion tool on a temporary basis, allowing the conversion of the file format between CSV and XML. The code of the conversion tool (Bof.Stat.DCS.Converter) and an executable version (.EXE) have been released and available in the Bank of Finland’s GitHub.
Reporting must be transferred to XML format no later than with the next update of the record structure, after which support for the conversion tool will also end. We will communicate the deadline in good time before the entry into force of the change.
New system requires login via e-identification
Logging in the new data collection system requires authentication using a mandate. Instructions for granting reporting mandates are available here. In the new data collection system, authentication will also be required from users without a Finnish personal identity code. These users must use the Finnish Authenticator application. More information on how to start using the application is available here.
Instructions and training
Releases, webinar presentations and records related to the reform of the reporting system, have been compiled on this page. Data collection-specific schemas and documentation are maintained on the webpages found under the Statistics – To the reporter section.
Should you have any questions about the reform of the reporting system, we request you to contact ReportingSupport(at)