MFI data collection

The Bank of Finland collects statistical data on credit institutions. The RATI survey covers required data for the following: ECB’s and national balance sheet and interest rate statistics, balance of payments and financial accounts statistics, and the Bank for International Settlement’s (BIS) banking statistics. Under the ECB regulation, the data can also be used for other-than-statistical purposes. Balance sheet data are also used to calculate credit institutions’ reserve requirements. The Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) has the right to use the statistical data for supervisory purposes.

MFI data collection (RATI)

All credit institutions are obliged to provide statistical data to the Bank of Finland. Small credit institutions can be granted derogations. Such credit institutions are required to submit statistical data on a quarterly basis. 

Current instructions

*Not up to date with the current XML format

Consolidated data collection (KOTI)

The KOTI data is used by BIS to compile statistics on international banking activity. The latest statistics releases can be found here. KOTI reporters are MFIs that fulfil the Bank of Finland’s criteria for obligation to report statistical data under KOTI data collection. The Bank of Finland informs the MFIs of their reporting obligation.

Current instructions

The collection of statistical data is based on the following regulations

Legislation related to minimum reserves

More information

Email: Rahoitustilastot(at)

Elisabeth Flittner Jaakko Suni Tia Kurtti  
Head of statistics Adviser Economist  
Tel. +358 9 183 2322 Tel. +358 9 183 2402 Tel. +358 9 183 2043  

Personal email addresses are in the format