7.6.2024 - Summary of minutes
Place: Microsoft Teams
Present: Officials of the Bank of Finland (BoF) and Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA). Industry representatives from OP Financial Group, Aktia, Nordea, Savings Banks Group and ALM Partners
1. Opening of the meeting and update on current IReF topics
- Plenty of progress has been made during the summer in the IReF project on the ECB side
- The second summary of matching notes is being commented by the WG-IRDD working group
- An industry representative asks whether a schedule for the roll-out of the IReF has been published already
- BoF responds it has not been published yet
- The intention is to implement a common data collection and compilation system as a cloud service managed by the ECB
2. New topics in the summary of matching notes
- Legislation applicable to the loan agreement is being proposed as a new reportable data item
- IReF will also enable the submission of probabilities of default (PD values) generated by other methods than IRB
- A decision has been made not to collect more detailed information in IReF on loan purpose than the requirements based on current Regulations
- BoF would prefer still further consideration of this issue
- Loan inception and termination types will not be inquired in the common part of IReF
- Splitting of outstanding nominal amount (ONA) will not be included in IReF
- Data on protection issuer will be collected in IReF
- Repurchase agreements (repos) will not be inquired in the mandatory, common part of IReF
- As regards reclassifications, the intent is to create a structured and uniform way of reporting
- More detailed information on derivatives will be collected in IReF
- The intention is to harmonise classifications and definitions with FINREP
- Attributes concerning climate change
- Items to be reported include sector at a four-digit level and the location of real estate collateral
- Further examinations will be made about reporting the identifier of real estate collateral
- For real estate loans, it will be reported whether the property is commercial real estate as defined by the ESRB
- As regards balance of payments statistics, actual banking group data is going to be collected annually through FINREP
- IReF will have separate reporting on whether the item is a direct investment for the purposes of the balance of payments
- When revising IReF reporting, all data items will be resubmitted and not just the revised ones