SDDS +: Economic and Financial Data for Finland

Data presented on this website, including links to the SDDS Plus data, correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standard Bulletin Board (DSBB).

For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Finland has committed, please click on the DSBB Home Page.

The links to SDDS Plus data, will be updated the same day as the corresponding producer publishes new statistics. These statistics are produced by Statistic Finland (Tilastokeskus), Bank of Finland (Suomen Pankki), State Treasury (Valtiokonttori) and the Board of Customs (Tulli).

Data ​​National website ​SDMX data ​Metadata
Real sector ​ ​ ​
​National accounts Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
​Sectoral balace sheets Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
​Production index Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
​Employment Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
Unemployment Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
​Wages/earnings Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
​Consumer price index Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
Producer price index Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
Fiscal sector​ ​
​General government operations

Statistics Finland

 SDMX Metadata
​​General government debt

Statistics Finland

Central government operations ​​​​​State Treasury SDMX Metadata

​Central government debt

- Debt quaranteed by central government

​​​​​​​State Treasury

Statistics Finland


as above

Financial sector​​  ​
​Depository corporations survey ​​​​​Bank of Finland SDMX Metadata
​​Central bank survey ​​​​​Bank of Finland SDMX Metadata
​Other financial corporations survey

Statistics Finland -

OFI as debtor / creditor 

SDMX Metadata
Fina​ncial soundness indicators ​​Bank of Finland SDMX
​     Regulatory Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets (RWA) ​​Bank of Finland Metadata
​     Regulatory Tier 1 capital to assets​ ​​​​​Bank of Finland   Metadata
​     Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital ​​Bank of Finland   Metadata
​     Nonperforming loans to total gross loans ​​​​​Bank of Finland   Metadata
​     Return of assets ​​​​​Bank of Finland   Metadata
​     Liquid assets to short-term liabilities ​​Bank of Finland   Metadata
     Residental real estate prices ​​​​​Bank of Finland Metadata
​Debt securities Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
​Interest rates1


​     ECB ​ECB ​​Metadata
     ​Money market rates ​​​​​Bank of Finland ​​Metadata
     ​Government bonds ​​​​​​​Bank of Finland ​​Metadata
​Stock market1 OMX Helsinki   Metadata
External sector ​ ​ ​
​Balance of payments Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
​Official reserve assets ​​​​​Bank of Finland SDMX Metadata
Template on International reserves and foreign currency liquidity ​​Bank of Finland SDMX Metadata
​Merchandise trade Finnish Customs SDMX Metadata
​International investment position Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
​External debt position Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata
​Coordinated portfolio investment survey -participant1

Statistics Finland

Participant in IMF CPIS

​Coordinated direct investment survey - participant1

Statistics Finland

Participant in IMF CDIS

​COFER - participant1

Statistics Finland

Participant in IMF COFER

​Exhange rates1 ​​Bank of Finland Metadata
Population ​ ​ ​
Population Statistics Finland SDMX Metadata

 1 SDMX dissemination is not required for this category.