
3.5.2021: The exclusion of non-recourse factoring (purchase of trade receivables) from the volume of corporate loans and average interest rates from March 2014 onwards led to a reduction in the average interest rate on loans to NFC and the amount of new loans.

Finland’s banking sector

1.1 Balance sheet of the Bank of Finland
1.2 Aggregated balance sheet of Finnish MFIs assets
1.3 Aggregate balance sheet of Finnish MFIs liabilities
1.4 Market shares of credit institutions

Monetary aggregates and their counterparts

2.1 Finnish contribution to euro area monetary aggregates and their main counterparts
2.2 Finnish contribution to euro area monetary aggregates
2.3 Finnish contribution to main counterparts of euro area M3

Finnish MFIs’ euro-denominated loans to and deposits from euro area residents

3.1 Loans and deposits by sector
3.2. Loans and deposits (all currencies)
3.3. Loans and deposits by geographical area (all currencies)
3.4. Loans and deposits by MFI subcategory
3.5 Loans and deposits of Finnish households
3.6. Deposit banks’ interest rate margins by bank subcategory


3.7 Deposits from Finnish residents, by sector
3.8 Deposits from euro area residents by sector 
3.9. Deposits by instrument
3.10. Deposits by MFI subcategory
3.11. Deposits by interest rate linkage


3.12. Loans to Finnish residents by sector
3.13. Loans to euro area residents by sector
3.14. Loans by maturity
3.15 Loans by MFI sub-category
3.16. MFI loans by interest rate linkage
3.17. Deposit bank loans by interest rate linkage
3.18. New business on loans and new housing-loan drawdowns
3.19. New business on loans by initial interest rate fixation period, excl. overdrafts and credit card credit
3.20. New business on loans by initial interest rate fixation period, incl. overdrafts and credit card credit

Loans to households

3.22 Loans to households by purpose
3.23. New business on loans to households by purpose and initial interest rate fixation period

Loans to non-financial corporations

3.25 Loans to non-financial corporations, by collateral
3.26. New business on loans to non-financial corporations by loan amount, January 2003 amount classification
3.27. New business on loans to non-financial corporations by loan amount, June 2010 amount classification

Securities investment and off-balance sheet items of Finnish MFIs

4.2. Commercial paper and local authority paper arranged on behalf of others

Debt securities issued by Finnish MFIs

5.1. Debt securities by maturity
5.2. Debt securities by MFI subcategory

Interest rates

6.1 Interest rates on deposits and loans
6.2 MFI reference rates
6.3 Reference rate and penalty interest rate confirmed under Interest Rates Act
6.4 Changes in the Base 

Euro area

7.1. Aggregated balance sheet of euro area MFIs, excl. the Eurosystem, end-period outstanding amounts
7.2 Aggregated balance sheet of euro area MFIs, excl. the Eurosystem, annual growth rates of outstanding amounts