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Alexandrova Kabadjova_etal_Intraday Liquidity Around the World.pdf

and calculate system-level measures of liquidity efficiency and inequality in liquidity provision. We show that these measures vary systematically with participants’ degree of payment coordination, th... / globalassets / en / research / seminars-and-conferences / conferences-and-workshops / documents / eopx2021


Administration of borrowing and lending operations 74 2.2 Eurosystem Reserve Management Services 74 3 Banknotes and coins 75 3.1 The circulation of banknotes and coins 75 3.2 Counterf... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / publications / ecb-publications / ecb-annual-report / documents

Governor Erkki Liikanen: Economics and Economic policy

organisation of public servants. Public service bodies obtain their essential mandate from elected bodies. Within the Eurosystem, the central banks and their governing bodies have been given ... / Start page / Media and publications / Speeches and interviews / 2018


Bank of Finland Monetary policy of the Eurosystem Lecture in the University of Zurich October 25, 2016 125.10.2016 Seppo Honkapohja Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank – Bank of Finland I... / globalassets / fi / media-ja-julkaisut / puheet / documents

TIPS DCA Rules_21112021.pdf

recorded with (a) the monetary obligations settled in TARGET2; and/or (b) funds held in TARGET2, in ac- cordance with Guideline ECB/2012/27 of the European Central Bank 2 and a bilateral arrange- men... / globalassets / fi / media-ja-julkaisut / julkaisut / ohjeet_ja_saannot / vastapuoli / documents

Account of the monetary policy meeting, 9-10 December 2020

20% since the October monetary policy meeting of the Governing Council. The euro had appreciated markedly against the US dollar (3.2%) but had remained broadly stable in nominal effective terms (0.3%)... / Start page / Media and publications / News / 2021

Account of the monetary policy meeting, 25-26 July 2018

July 2018 estimates of the term premium in the United States had fallen deeper into negative territory despite factors which should have led, in principle, to a decompression of the premium, such as t... / Start page / Media and publications / News / 2018

Account of the ECB Governing Council’s monetary policy meeting, 26-27 October 2022

rate hike the functioning of euro area repo markets had been impaired, though only temporarily. This had been triggered predominantly by concerns about additional cash flows into the repo market from ... / Start page / Media and publications / News / 2022

Account of the monetary policy meeting, 14-15 April 2015

programme on 1 April had been positively received by market participants. At the same time, some commentators saw a need to streamline the various avenues for securities lending and to move towards gr... / Start page / Media and publications / News / 2015


Latvia LT Lithuania LU Luxembourg HU Hungary MT Malta NL Netherlands AT Austria PL Poland PT Portugal RO Romania SI Slovenia SK Slovakia FI Finland SE Sweden UK United Kingdom ... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / publications / ecb-publications / convergence-report / documents

Account of the monetary policy meeting, 13-14 December 2017

offset by a decline in the term premium. This fall in the US ten-year term premium could be the result of three factors. First, changes in international demand, with international in... / Start page / Media and publications / News / 2018


liiketoimintaa, työllisyyttä, tuotantopanosten hintoja ja laskutettuja hintoja koskevia kysymyksiä. Euroalueen yhdistelmäindeksi (Eurozone Composite Index) lasketaan yhdistä... / globalassets / fi / media-ja-julkaisut / julkaisut / ekp_julkaisuja / talouskatsaus / documents

Account of the monetary policy meeting, 2-3 September 2015

foreign exchange market, the euro had risen against most major currencies, including the US dollar, in part supported by expectations of a postponement of a first rise in official interest rates in th... / Start page / Media and publications / News / 2015


the oil-macroeconomy nexus Anton Nakovy Banco de España Galo Nuño Banco de España December 15, 2009 Abstract Saudi Arabia is the largest player in the world oil market. It maintai... / globalassets / en / research / seminars-and-conferences / conferences-and-workshops / documents / dsge2010


lending operations 75 5.2 Eurosystem Reserve Management Services 76 6 Banknotes and coins 76 6.1 The circulation of banknotes and coins 76 Box 9 The use of cash by households in the ... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / publications / ecb-publications / ecb-annual-report / documents


Lithuania LU Luxembourg HU Hungary MT Malta NL Netherlands AT Austria PL Poland PT Portugal RO Romania SI Slovenia SK Slovakia FI Finland SE Sweden UK United Kingdom JP Japan ... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / publications / ecb-publications / convergence-report / documents


EE Estonia PT Portugal IE Ireland RO Romania GR Greece SI Slovenia ES Spain SK Slovakia FR France FI Finland IT Italy SE Sweden CY Cyprus UK United Kingdom LV Latvia JP Japan LT Lithuania US United S... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / publications / ecb-publications / convergence-report / documents

Account of the monetary policy meeting, 22-23 January 2020

obligations. The turn of this year, however, had been the smoothest since 2016. Repo rates had remained mostly concentrated around levels prevailing before the turn of the year. Use of the Eurosys... / Start page / Media and publications / News / 2020


RON 50,000) or urgent payment instructions initiated by participants4, as well as of instructions related to other ancillary systems5. Regarding operational risk control, the national payment sys... / globalassets / en / financial-stability / payment-and-settelement-system-simulator / events


Bank of Finland cannot transfer these tasks to private operators. These include the issuing of coins and banknotes, the destruction of banknotes and, as the monetary authority, overall respo... / globalassets / en / money-and-payments / rahahuolto / documents