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European Union and available in EUR-Lex. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this document ►B ►M2 GUIDELINE (EU) 2015/510 OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK of 1... / globalassets / fi / media-ja-julkaisut / julkaisut / ohjeet_ja_saannot / vastapuoli / documents


European Union and available in EUR-Lex. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this document ►B ►M2 GUIDELINE (EU) 2015/510 OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK of 1... / globalassets / fi / media-ja-julkaisut / julkaisut / ohjeet_ja_saannot / vastapuoli / documents


European Union and available in EUR-Lex. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this document ►B ►M2 GUIDELINE (EU) 2015/510 OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK of 1... / globalassets / fi / rahapolitiikka / rahapolitiikan-valittyminen / rahapoliittiset-osto-ohjelmat


Management of financial assets, Management of Bank of Finland’s financial risks,  and  Notes on risk management . 0 1 2 3 4 ... / globalassets / en / bank-of-finland / risk-management


Trans- European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer system (TARGET2) ( 1 ) has been amended on several occasions. Since further amendments to this Guideline are now required to i... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / publications / instructions-and-rules / counterparty / documents

Governor Erkki Liikanen: The European Experience. The foundation for the Promotion of Securities Markets in Finland; Seminar entitled "Lessons of the Financial Crisis" on 10 June 2011 in Helsinki

other banks' balance sheets being affected even more. Also unprecedented in financial history was the speed with which counterparty risk was shifted from one country to another. The global lack of... / Start page / Media and publications / Speeches and interviews / 2011

Bank of Finland rules for counterparties and customers

Updates 1 January 2013 and 3 January 2013 Guideline ECB/2011/14 issued by the European Central Bank on monetary policy instruments and procedures of the Eurosystem was amended by Guideline EC... / Start page / Media and publications / News / 2013


(European Central Bank), Rodney Garratt (UC - Santa Barbara) , Ronald Heijmans (De Nerderlandsche Bank), Anneke Kosse (Bank of Canada), Antoine Martin (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Thomas Nellen... / globalassets / en / financial-stability / payment-and-settelement-system-simulator / events

Updated Risk Figures 2022-Q2.pdf

Management of financial assets, Management of Bank of Finland’s financial risks,  and  Notes on risk management . 0 1 2 3 4 ... / globalassets / en / bank-of-finland / risk-management

Governor Olli Rehn: A globally symmetric crisis calls for a globally coordinated and forceful policy response

in significantly lower output losses and economic damage than a more gradual approach with milder but longer-lasting restrictions. Nevertheless, the timing of lifting the restrictions will require a d... / Start page / Media and publications / Speeches and interviews / 2020

Benos_Intraday Liquidity Around the World_presentation.pdf

(European Central Bank), Rodney Garratt (UC - Santa Barbara) , Ronald Heijmans (De Nerderlandsche Bank), Anneke Kosse (Bank of Canada), Antoine Martin (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Thomas Nellen... / globalassets / en / research / seminars-and-conferences / conferences-and-workshops / documents / eopx2021

Account of the ECB Governing Council’s monetary policy meeting, 5-6 June 2024

recovery was on track. By contrast, macroeconomic data surprises in the United States had become less favourable. Tentative signs of the US labour market cooling and inflation in line with expectation... / Start page / Media and publications / News / 2024

Deputy Governor Pentti Hakkarainen: Threats to operational and policy effectiveness? Basel, 12 November 2013.

Pentti Hakkarainen Deputy Governor of Bank of Finland Workshop on the Finances of Central Banks Organised by the Bank for International Settlements in Basel on 12 November 2013 Panel discussi... / Start page / Media and publications / Speeches and interviews / 2013

Governor Erkki Liikanen: Central Banking and the Risk Management of Central Banks: What are the Links? Lisbon, 26 September 2017.

objectives and responsibilities that differ from the financial institutions operating on a commercial basis. To enable the central banks to fulfil their responsibilities, they also have special powers... / Start page / Media and publications / Speeches and interviews / 2017


Stability Facility, and the pooled bilateral loans for the benefi t of the Hellenic Republic 124 6.4 Eurosystem reserve management services 125 CHAPTER 3 ENTRY OF ESTONIA INTO THE EURO ... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / publications / ecb-publications / ecb-annual-report / documents


operations 66 2.1 The TARGET system 66 2.2 The correspondent central banking model 68 3 Foreign exchange operations and investment of foreign reserve assets 69 3.1 Foreign exchange operations of the ... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / publications / ecb-publications / ecb-annual-report / documents


operations of the European Community 120 6.4 Eurosystem reserve management services 120 CHAPTER 3 ENTRY OF SLOVENIA INTO THE EURO AREA 1 ECONOMIC AND MONETARY DEVELOPMENTS IN SLOVEN... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / publications / ecb-publications / ecb-annual-report / documents


everyday work. In that spirit, and before I start on today’s subject, I would like to draw your attention to the Nordic- Baltic regional report on financial flows analysis, AML/CFT supervision, and fi... / globalassets / puheet


Projects Atlas, Mariana and the Technology of Decentralised Finance Raphael Auer, Head of BIS Innovation Hub Eurosystem Centre 31 August 2023, Bank of Finland 21st Simulator Seminar, Helsin... / globalassets / en / financial-stability / payment-and-settelement-system-simulator / events


facilities 74 1.5 The minimum reserve system 74 1.6 Eligible assets 75 1.7 Money market activity 77 2 Foreign exchange operations and the management of the ECB’s foreign reserves and own fun... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / publications / ecb-publications / ecb-annual-report / documents