
  Here is a list of relevant publications making use of the simulator.

Bank Of Finland publications with BOF-PSS

Korpinen and Laine: Measuring counterparty risk in FMIs (Bank of Finland Economics Review 9/2021)

Hellqvist and Korpinen: Instant payments as a new normal : Case study of liquidity impacts for the Finnish market (Bank of Finland Economics Review 7/2021)

Laine and Korpinen: Exploiting Parallelization to Increase the Performance of Payment Systems Simulations (Simulation in Computational Finance and Economics: Tools and emerging Applications, IGI Global 2015)

Laine (ed.): Quantitative analysis of financial market infrastructures: further perspectives on financial stability (Bank of Finland Studies E:50/2015)

Hellqvist and Laine (ed.): Diagnostic for the financial markets - computational studies of payment system (Bank of Finland Studies E:45/2012)

Laine, Korpinen and Hellqvist: Simulation Approaches to Risk, Efficiency and Liquidity (Simulation in Computational Finance and Economics: Tools and Emerging Applications, IGI Global 2012)

Leinonen (ed.): Simulation analyses and stress testing of payment networks (Bank of Finland Studies E:42/2009)

Bank of Finland Bulletin (Special Issue), Financial Stability 2008 (pages 30-32)

Bank of Finland Bulletin (Special Issue), Financial Stability 2007 (page 39)

Leinonen (ed.): Simulation studies of liquidity needs, risks and efficiency in payment networks (Bank of Finland Studies E:39/2007)

Bank of Finland Bulletin (Special Issue), Financial Stability 2006 (pages 58 and 63)

Bank of Finland Bulletin (Special Issue), Financial Stability 2005 (pages 74-75)

Leinonen: Liquidity, risks and speed in payment and settlement systems – a simulation approach (Bank of Finland Studies E:31/2005)

Bank of Finland Bulletin (Special Issue), Financial Stability 2004 (pages 81 and 84-85)

Leinonen - Soramäki: Simulating interbank payment and securities settlement mechanisms with the BoF-PSS2 simulator (BoF DP: 23/2003)

Bech-Soramäki: Gridlock Resolution in Interbank Payment Systems (BoF DP:9/2001)

Leinonen-Soramäki: Optimizing Liquidity Usage and Settlement Speed in Payment Systems (BoF DP: 16/1999)

Koponen-Soramaki: Intraday Liquidity Needs in Modern Interbank Payment System. A simulation approach (BoF E:14)

Published by others with BOF-PSS

Shilongo H, Ngwena E, Mufika S: Stress-Testing Liquidity Risk in the Namibia Interbank Settlement System (NISS) (Bank Of Namibia research paper / September 2023)

Nilsson, Thomas Christian: Liquidity stress test shows that Kronos is resilient (Danmarks Nationalbank / Analysis - May 2019 - no. 9)

Group on TARGET2 Stress Testing of the Market Infrastructure Board, Market Infrastructure and Payments Committee: Stress-Testing of liquidity risk in TARGET2 (ECB occasional paper series no 183 / February 2017)

Ashwin Clarke and Jennifer Hancock: Payment System Design and Participant Operational Disruptions (Reserve Bank of Australia / RDP 2012-05)

Christian Schulz: Liquidity Requirements And Payment Delays Participant Type Dependent Preferences (ECB Working paper series no 1291 / February 2011)

Edward Denbee - Ben Norman: The impact of payment splitting on liquidity requirements in RTGS (Working Paper No. 404, Bank of England, October 2010)

Martina Glaser - Philip Haene: Operational disruptions; how well the Swiss RTGS would cope when a major player is put out of action. (SPEED Vol 2 No 3 Winter 2008, Pages 27-32, Not available in Internet)

Agnieszka Grat-Osinska - Miroslaw Pawliszyn: Liquidity Levels and Settlement Delays in the Sorbnet System-Simulation-Based Approach With the Application of the BOF-PSS2 Payment System Simulator (SSRN, Financial Markets and institutions, May 2007)

Donatas Baksys - Leonidas Sakalauskas: Modelling of interbank payments (Technological and economic development of economy, 2006, Vol 8, No 4)

Donatas Baksys - Leonidas Sakalauskas: Modelling, simulation and optimisation of interbank settlements (Information technology and control, 2007, Vol 36 No 1)

Devin Ball - Walter Engert: Unanticipated Defaults and Losses in Canada's Large-Value Payments System, Revisited (Discussion Paper 2007-5, Bank of Canada)

Neville Arjani: Examining the Trade-Off between Settlement Delay and Intraday Liquidity in Canada's LVTS: A Simulation Approach (Working Paper 2006-20, Bank of Canada)

Asbjorn Enge and Frode Overli: Intraday liquidity and the settlement of large-value payments: a simulation-based analysis (Economic Bulletin 1/2006, Norges Bank)

Arjani, N. 'Simulation Analysis: A Tool for Examining the Balance between Safety and Efficiency in Canada's Large Value Transfer System' (Bank of Canada Financial Stability Review December 2005, pages 55-63)

Danmarks Nationalbank 'Payment Systems in Denmark' (2005) (Appendix C)

Johnson, K. - McAndrews, J. - Soramäki, K. 'Economizing on Liquidity with Deferred Settlement Mechanisms' (Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, December 2004)

Assessing operational risk in CHAPS Sterling: a simulation approach (Bank of England's Financial Stability Review June 2004, pages 135-143)

Sveriges Riksbank's Financial Stability Report 2003:2 (page 47)

Bech-Soramäki (2002) 'Liquidity, Gridlocks and Bank Failures in Large Value Payment systems', E-Money and Payment systems Review, Central Banking Publications, pages 111-126 (not available on Internet)

Bech-Soramäki: Resolving Gridlocks in Payment Systems (Monetary Review 4/2001, Danmarks Nationalbank, pages 67-80)