Bank of Finland’s 3rd International Monetary Policy Conference on Monetary Policy in Low and High Inflation Environments

Times in Finnish local time (UTC+3 EEST)

12.30 Opening remarks
Governor Olli Rehn, Bank of Finland

13.00 Invited keynote speech: Monetary policy after a perfect storm: festina lente
Governor Fabio Panetta, Banca d’Italia

13.40 Invited keynote speech: Modern monetary analysis
Member of the Executive Board Philip R. Lane, European Central Bank

14.15 Coffee break

14.45 Policy panel discussion: Experiences on Monetary Policy Frameworks in Low and High Inflation Environment
Governor Signe Krogstrup, Danmarks Nationalbank
Governor Mārtiņš Kazāks, Latvijas Banka
Director Hong K. Bahng, Bank of Korea

Moderator: Member of the Board Tuomas Välimäki, Bank of Finland

15.45 Break

16.00 Invited keynote speech: Balance Sheet Policy Above the Effective Lower Bound
Senior Adviser Annette Vissing-Jørgensen, Federal Reserve Board

16.50 Closing remarks

17.00 Conference ends

The confence is invitation-only and only in person attendance. 

For questions related to the conference, please contact Event Coordinator Riikka Virtanen at riikka.virtanen[at]

Members of the media are invited to contact +358 9 183 2101, or email to media[at]