Bank of Finland’s Communications Policy

The Bank of Finland’s communications policy is based on the Bank’s strategy and values. When we communicate, we are also implementing the Bank’s policy goals, maintaining a sense of community among staff and engaging in dialogue with different stakeholders.

Principles for the Bank’s communications

The Bank of Finland adheres to the following communications principles:


We express our views on the basis of data, research and high-quality analysis. We provide facts, not hunches. Our communications are timely and objective.


We explain the decisions we take, and we use a range of channels to provide information about our activities. Through discussion and by listening, we engage with society in different arenas and with our own personnel.


Our tone is factual and accessible. We use clear language. We avoid jargon and we aim to explain abbreviations. We communicate not only in Finnish but also in Swedish and English. We make use of layered and visual communication.

Securing stability using high-quality data and research.

Goals of the Bank’s communications

  1. By our actions we will earn people’s trust.
  2. We will ensure that stakeholders receive the information they require on the activities of the Bank of Finland and the European Central Bank. We will promote financial literacy.
  3. We will enhance the effectiveness of our activities and engage in dialogue.
  4. We will strengthen the sense of collective identity among our staff and will maintain a favourable employer image through being open about what we do.

The Bank of Finland’s core message portrays the central role of the Bank: Securing stability using high-quality data and research.