Our strategy
At the heart of the Bank of Finland’s strategy is its vision statement: ‘The Bank of Finland is an influential and respected central bank that maintains price and financial stability in all circumstances with the aim of promoting citizens’ wellbeing’.

The Bank of Finland’s strategy refers to the choices that will guide our actions in the long term as well as our everyday work. The strategy sets out the Bank’s role, its aims and the values and principles that underlie its work.
Securing stability using high-quality data and research
The Bank of Finland’s strategy is centred on its function as Finland’s national central bank and member of the Eurosystem. We maintain price stability and promote financial stability. We also ensure the effectiveness and security of the payment system, take care of clearing for interbank payments and maintain the cash supply. We support sustainable growth and high employment in Finland and the EU. The Bank’s impact and influence are based on its research activities, which are of a high standard internationally.
Our tasks are laid down in the Act on the Bank of Finland and in the EU Treaties.
To make sure we can carry out our tasks as well as possible in a changing world, we have set out our vision of the kind of central bank and Eurosystem member that we wish to be. The good of Finland’s citizens is at the core of this vision. The Bank’s vision statement is as follows:
The Bank of Finland is an influential and respected central bank that maintains price and financial stability in all circumstances with the aim of promoting citizens’ wellbeing.
To make sure we are an influential and respected central bank, we create added value through expertise, insightful solutions and cooperation that builds trust. We base our statements and decisions on knowledge, research and high-quality analysis. We also participate in public debate, engage with our stakeholders and take part in constructive dialogue in Finland and the Eurosystem.
Ensuring we maintain price and financial stability in all circumstances requires that we provide advanced and reliable central bank services for the changing needs of Finnish society. We ensure operational continuity by preparing for changes, disruptions and crises. We develop our expertise and working practices on a long-term basis and by anticipating future needs.
Our aim, stated in the vision, of promoting citizens’ wellbeing obligates us to act responsibly and in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. We carry out our activities effectively and efficiently, maintaining predictable profit distribution to the State without jeopardising the Bank’s capital adequacy. We also promote the general public’s knowledge about the economy, the Bank of Finland and the Eurosystem by providing clear and understandable information.
The Bank of Finland’s strategic priorities for 2025–2027 are as follows:
Stable and competitive Europe
We aim to contribute to Europe's stability and competitiveness by fostering price stability, financial stability and a deepening of the EU single market. Of paramount importance is the completion of the EU's banking union and capital markets union, which will improve the intermediation of finance for investment in innovation, security and the green transition.
We favour a reform of the bank resolution framework and wish to see a common European deposit insurance scheme (EDIS). We will highlight stability and competitiveness in the dialogue on Europe's future.
Resilient economy and finances
We will strengthen the economy’s resilience to ensure price and financial stability in all circumstances. We will play our part in ensuring that the financial system and payment systems can withstand disruptions.
We will help build a shared situation picture to support the needs of economic policy and the labour market. Efficiency, sustainable finances and a culture of cooperation will ensure the Bank of Finland’s independence and ability to function.
Data and AI in the economy and workplace
We will have a good understanding of the economic impact of technological developments and the opportunities and risks these bring for central banking. We will use artificial intelligence safely and in a way that advances our own work.
We will be leaders in the data economy. Our working culture and organisational structure will provide support for learning new things, making use of diverse skills and developing innovative solutions.
We are putting the strategy into effect in our everyday work. Our strategic choices are supported by the shared values that guide our everyday activities. The Bank of Finland’s values are as follows:
We learn continuously and from one another; we value each person’s expertise; we work together as equals; and we assume responsibility for fostering stability and a sustainable economy.