Invoicing Instructions of the Bank of Finland and Financial Supervisory Authority

Organization and contact information
Business ID 0202248-1
VAT-number FI02022481
Switch Board +358 9 1831
Email Address
​ Invoicing address
Bank of Finland
PL 160
00101 Helsinki
Bank of Finland/Financial Supervisory Authority
PL 160
00101 Helsinki

The Bank of Finland’s invoices are processed by the Finnish Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HR (Palkeet, tel. +358 2955 64444). Please send any queries regarding the content and payment of invoices by email to

Invoicing information / E-invoicing address
The Bank of Finland and the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) only accept electronic invoices.
 If you are not able to send e-invoices, please look at the Supplier portal section of this guide.
E-invoicing address 003702022481
Operator Basware (BAWCFI22)
Contact person (mandatory)
Please mention the name of our contact person (First name, Last name) on the invoice, in the e- invoice the name of the contact person should be mentioned on the following field:


Contract number
Please mention the contract number of the invoice on the following field:
FINVOICE Finvoice/InvoiceDetails/AgreementIdentifier
Financial Posting
Bank of Finland’s accounting-related information is presented on the following fields, if so agreed with the client:
Cost Centre
FINVOICE Finvoice/InvoiceRow/RowAccountDimensionText
Account Number
FINVOICE Finvoice/InvoiceRow/RowShortProposedAccountIdentifier
Supplier portal
You can deliver your invoices through our online service (Basware Supplier Portal), if you are not using financial programs for sending e-invoices. In order to send the invoices through our online service requires registration to the service. This service is free of charge.
Sign up Create an account at
Activation Once the Bank of Finland has given your company approval as an online service user, you will receive a supplier account activation email which also contains detail instructions to create an invoice.
Invoice creation The invoice information is entered onto the online invoice form.