Juuso Vanhala

Head of Division






  • Cross-country evidence on the allocation of COVID-19 government subsidies and consequences for productivity (22.1.2023). Tommaso Bighelli; Tibor Lalinsky; Juuso Vanhala. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies.

  • Are zombies for real? Evidence from zombie dynamics (27.10.2022). Satu Nurmi; Juuso Vanhala; Matti Virén. International Journal of Industrial Organization.

  • Shifts in euro area Beveridge curves and their determinants (10.11.2016). Boele Bonthuis; Valerie Jarvis; Juuso Vanhala. IZA Journal of Labor Policy.

  • Adverse Selection in Dynamic Matching Markets (8.4.2015). Klaus Kultti; Eeva Mauring; Juuso Vanhala; Timo Vesala. Bulletin of Economic Research.

  • The Sensitivity of Job Destruction to Vintage and Tenure Effects (3.10.2014). Juuso Vanhala; Juha Kilponen. Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

  • Adverse selection in dynamic matching markets (3.7.2012). Juuso Vanhala; Klaus Kultti; Eeva Mauring; Timo Vesala. Bulletin of Economic Research.

      • Beveridge Curve, Matching Functions (26.9.2023). Juuso Vanhala. Elgar Encyclopedia of Labour Studies.

      • When zombies are not zombies (5.1.2023). Juuso Vanhala; Matti Virén; Satu Nurmi. VoxEU.

      • Covid-19 government subsidies and their implications for pandemic labour productivity (22.3.2022). Juuso Vanhala; Tommaso Bighelli; Tibor Lalinský. SUERF Policy Brief.

      • An autopsy of zombie firms reveals growing and recovering companies (9.10.2020). Satu Nurmi; Juuso Vanhala; Matti Virén. LSE Business Review.

      • Firm Growth In Europe: An Overview Based On The Compnet Labour Module (15.4.2017). Christina Fernández; Roberto García; Paloma Lopez-Garcia; Benedicta Marzinotto; Roberta Serafini; Juuso Vanhala; Ladislaw Wintr. European Central Bank Working Paper Series.

      • Labour market modelling in the light of the financial crisis (10.8.2016). Juuso Vanhala; Markus Haavio. European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series.

      • Paikallinen sopiminen (10.6.2016). Juuso Vanhala; Meri Obstbaum. Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja.

      • What’s going on behind the euro area Beveridge curve(s)? (3.9.2013). Juuso Vanhala; Boele Bonthuis; Valerie Jarvis. European Central Bank Working Paper Series.

      • Euroalueen työmarkkinoiden rakenteelliset ongelmat ja kriisi (15.12.2012). Juuso Vanhala. Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja.

      • Productivity and job flows: heterogeneity of new hires and continuing jobs in the business cycle (1.7.2009). Juha Kilponen; Juuso Vanhala. European Central Bank Working Paper Series.

      • Adverse selection in dynamic matching markets (1.7.2007). Juuso Vanhala; Timo Vesala; Klaus Kultti. HECER Discussion Papers.

        • Don’t stop saving ‘zombie’ jobs (21.10.2020). Politico.

        • Don’t stop saving ‘zombie’ jobs (21.10.2020). Politico.

        • Don’t stop saving ‘zombie’ jobs (21.10.2020). Politico.

        • Zombiebedrijven zijn eerder levend dan dood (9.10.2020). Het Financieele Dagblad.

        • Zombiyhtiöt elävät suhdanteiden mukaan (2.6.2020). Verkkouutiset.