Adam Gulan

Senior Adviser

Adam Gulan is a Senior Adviser at the Monetary Policy and Research Department' Research Unit. He completed his dissertation at Rutgers University in 2011. Prior to his PhD studies he also worked in the Economic Institute at the National Bank of Poland. His areas of expertise include business cycle fluctuations, financial frictions and international economics.

Personal website
Bank of Finland Bulletin




  • Can large trade shocks cause crises? The case of the Finnish-Soviet trade collapse (24.4.2021). Adam Gulan; Markus Haavio; Juha Kilponen. Journal of International Economics.

  • Bond finance, bank credit, and aggregate fluctuations in an open economy (15.1.2017). Roberto Chang; Andres Fernandez; Adam Gulan. Journal of Monetary Economics.

  • Interest Rates, Leverage, and Business Cycles in Emerging Economies (15.7.2015). Andres Fernandez; Adam Gulan. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.

      • The impact of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality (11.2.2022). Petri Mäki-Fränti; Aino Silvo; Adam Gulan; Juha Kilponen. VoxEU.

      • Large trade shocks and economic crises: The case of the Finnish-Soviet trade collapse (10.6.2021). Adam Gulan; Markus Haavio; Juha Kilponen. VoxEU.

      • Finanssisyklit taloustieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa - kirjallisuuskatsaus (15.10.2018). Karlo Kauko; Adam Gulan. Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja.

      • Bond Finance, Bank Credit, and Aggregate Fluctuations in an Open Economy (15.6.2016). Roberto Chang; Andrés Fernández; Adam Gulan. NBER Working Papers.

        American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, referee
        B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, referee
        International Economic Review, referee
        Journal of International Economics, referee
        Journal of Macroeconomics, referee
        Macroeconomic Dynamics, referee
        Review of Economic Dynamics, referee
        Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, referee