Olli Rehn
Olli Rehn is Governor of the Bank of Finland. He has served as Governor and Chairman of the Board since 12 July 2018. Governor Rehn is a member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank and has served since 2023 as First Vice-Chair of the European Systemic Risk Board.
Governor Rehn’s responsibilities at the Bank of Finland cover monetary policy preparation, domestic economic policy, external communications, international affairs and internal audit.

Mari Hämäläinen
09 183 2010
+358 9 183 2010
09 183 2001 (national)
+358 9 183 2001 (international)
Postal address
Bank of Finland
PO Box 160
Dr Olli Rehn is Governor and Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Finland. He has been Governor as of 12 July 2018. Dr Rehn is responsible for monetary policy preparation, domestic economic policy, external communications, international affairs and internal audit. Governor Rehn is a member of the Governing Council of the ECB.
Mr Rehn has held European and international posts for many years. He was Vice-President of the European Commission in 2011–2014. As a Member of the European Commission, he was responsible for Enlargement in 2004–2010 and for Economic and Monetary Affairs in 2010-2014, when his responsibilities included the reform of the rules of Economic and Monetary Union, financial assistance programmes for the distressed countries, and the preparation of stability mechanisms. Mr Rehn represented the European Commission on the Governing Council of the European Central Bank, in G7/G20 cooperation and at meetings of the International Monetary Fund in 2010–2014.
Mr Rehn served as Minister of Economic Affairs in Prime Minister Sipilä’s Government in 2015–2016, having been elected Member of Parliament from Helsinki in April 2015. He was a Member of Parliament also in 1991–1995. Mr Rehn was a Member and Vice President of the European Parliament in 2014–2015 and was a member of the first group of Finnish MEPs in 1995–1996.
Mr Rehn holds a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in international political economy from the University of Oxford (1996). In his doctoral thesis, Mr Rehn analysed corporatism and industrial competitiveness in small European states. Mr Rehn had previously graduated as Master of Social Sciences (Political Science) from the University of Helsinki in 1989.
Mr Rehn’s leisure time interests are football, reading, rock music and jazz.
Mr Rehn was born on 31 March 1962. His family includes his wife Merja and daughter Silva, born in 1998.
Speech Speech by Olli Rehn at the hearing of the ECON committee of the European Parliament -
Speech Global Economy: Fragmentation, Decoupling or Slowbalisation? -
Speech Addressing systemic risks to financial stability in the EU -
Speech Disinflation on track amid geopolitical uncertainty -
Speech Statement by Governor Olli Rehn on the International Monetary Fund’s decision to resume Article IV consultations with Russia -
Speech This Time is Different or Back to Basics? Reflections on Monetary Policy Normalisation -
Speech The European and Finnish Economies: Pursuing Growth in the Shadow of Geopolitical Challenges -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Monetary Policy in Low and High Inflation Environments -
Speech Olli Rehn: Inflation down and recovery supported by interest rate cut -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Europe’s economy: taming inflation, tackling productivity -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Price dynamics -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Dialling back monetary restraint -
Publication Governor Olli Rehn: Article in Kanava magazine 4/2023 -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Whither r*? The outlook for the natural rate of interest under short-run inflationary pressures and structural shifts -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Financial stability in the world of geopolitical fragmentation and rapid technological change -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Eternal Challenges in Monetary Policy -
Interview Governor Olli Rehn: Interview in Börsen-Zeitung, 21 February 2023 -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Preparing the economy and financial system for hybrid war: Finland’s experience -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: European economic policy in the times of crises: rules, discretion and coordination -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Making Monetary Policy in the Shadow of Russia’s War and Energy Crisis -
Interview Governor Olli Rehn: Interview with Reuters, 28 September 2022 -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Beyond Crypto-Mania: Digital Euro as Monetary Anchor -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Monetary Policy at a Crossroads, Policy panel at the Dallas Fed Conference 18 June 2022 -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Reflections on the post-crisis lessons learnt in European monetary and macroprudential policies -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Two decades of the euro – Which way forward? -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Going digital – trends in payments during and after the pandemic -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Monetary Policy in the Emerging Post-Pandemic Context -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: It’s the resilience, smarty! – Lessons of the COVID-19 crisis for systemic risk analysis and financial sector policies -
Speech Governor Rehn: A high bar for economic policymaking – demographics and public debt are weighing on our economy -
Speech Governor Rehn: A high bar for economic policymaking – demographics and public debt are weighing on our economy -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Economic policy must live in two time frames at once -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Rethinking the ECB’s strategy in the world of low rates -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Rethinking the ECB’s strategy in the world of low rates -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Rethinking the ECB’s strategy in the world of low rates -
Interview Governor Olli Rehn: Interview with Bloomberg, 23 November 2020 -
Interview Governor Olli Rehn: Interview with Reuters, 16 October 2020 -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Citi Virtual Macro Forum 2020 – Eurozone: Monetary Policy and Strategy Review -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Opening remarks at the webinar on Monetary Policy Tools and Their Impact on the Macroeconomy -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: To what extent should the State or the European Union use monetary and budgetary policies to counter the effects of crises and promote business development? -
Speech Gouverneur Olli Rehn: Dans quelle mesure l’État ou l’Union européenne devraient-ils utiliser les politiques monétaires et budgétaires pour contrer les effets des crises et promouvoir le développement des entreprises ? -
Interview Governor Olli Rehn: Interview in Handelsblatt, 1 July 2020 -
Interview Governor Olli Rehn: Interview in de Volkskrant, 16 June 2020 -
Governor Olli Rehn: A globally symmetric crisis calls for a globally coordinated and forceful policy response -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Economic effects of the corona crisis and measures by the central banks -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Transformation of central banking and monetary policy in Europe -
Speech Data-driven financial stability: challenges and opportunities -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Fiscal Statistics and Fiscal Rules: Some Lessons from Recent Years -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Global and European Economy from the Finnish Perspective -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Making the Best Out of Second-Best Climate Policies. Opening remarks at the 'Greener Finance for Sustainable Future' conference. -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: On conventional and unconventional monetary policies -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Next steps towards a stronger monetary union -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Which economic and financial priorities for fostering growth and innovation in the EU? -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Opening remarks at the Bank of Finland Seminar on ‘Technological Upheaval and Labour Markets’ -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Global economic outlook: a European perspective -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Challenges of Monetary Policy – Past, Present, Future, 1 July 2019 -
Speech Governor Rehn: The ECB’s accommodative monetary policy supports growth in euro area and achievement of the price stability objective -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Building an Enabling Environment for Circular Businesses, 3 June 2019 -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Impact of structural economic changes on monetary and macroprudential policies, 24 May 2019 -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Living with populism: reflections on the economy and democracy in Europe -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: European Economic and Monetary Policy Outlook, 2 May 2019 -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Economic outlook and monetary policy – a European perspective, 17 April 2019 -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Remarks at the Panel Discussion on “Bretton Woods @ 75 – What Is New with the International Monetary System?” in the context of the IMF Spring Meetings -
Interview Governor Olli Rehn: Interview with Welt, 25 March 2019 -
Speech Governor Rehn: Counter-cyclical burden-sharing of fiscal and monetary policy -
Speech Euro area outlook and monetary policy: ECB monetary policy strategy needs to be reviewed -
Speech The Euro Beyond 20: Monetary Policy in the Real Economy -
Speech Olli Rehn: The European Monetary Union is not yet complete -
Speech Considering a review of the ECB's monetary policy framework -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Remarks prepared for the visit of the EU Heads of Mission to the Bank of Finland, 27 November 2018 -
Future proofing your bank? Digital transformation and regulatory reform in the financial sector -
Speech Governor Rehn: Monetary policy and bank supervision in Europe after the last financial and sovereign debt crisis and challenges for the future, Athens 2 November 2018. -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Monetary policy normalisationin the world of uncertainties, Helsinki 31.10.2018 -
Speech Governor Olli Rehn: Remarks at the Panel Discussion on “Monetary Policy Frameworks”, Reinventing the Bretton Woods Committee, in the context of the IMF Annual Meetings, Indonesia, 11 October 2018 -
Speech Deputy Governor Olli Rehn: Central Bank Issued Digital Cash. Helsinki, 13 June 2018. -
Speech Deputy Governor Olli Rehn: Climate Change and Green Finance. Helsinki, 13 June 2018. -
Speech Deputy Governor Olli Rehn: The Euro Area Economy: On the Road of Recovery and Reform? London, 24 May 2018. -
Speech Olli Rehn: “Empowering Women in Business Leadership”. Helsinki on International Womens’ day, 8 March 2018. -
Speech Olli Rehn: Puhe Finanssiala ry:n Finanssi-illassa -
Speech Olli Rehn: Digital transformation in the financial industry – potential and challenges. Brussels, 27 Feb 2018.
Press conferences, Governor's appearancesBank of Finland Governor's press conference on the economic outlook and monetary policy
Governor's appearancesBank of Finland and CEPR Joint Conference
Press conferences, Governor's appearancesBank of Finland Governor's press conference on the outlook for the Finnish economy
The Bank of Finland publishes the Governor's monthly calendar with a lag of about three months.
The monthly calendar includes appointments with external parties, complementing the other information available on the Bank of Finland website, such as the Governor's schedule of forthcoming appearances.
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