Responsible employer

Diversity and equality are key values at the Bank of Finland, and we constantly strive to ensure their implementation. We make sure that equal treatment is observed not only concerning gender or age, but also between differing viewpoints.

Together with the European Central Bank and the Single Supervisory Mechanism, we have committed ourselves, as a member of the Eurosystem, to fostering equality, diversity and inclusion at the Bank of Finland. This commitment upholds the principle that all people have equal rights. More details on the content of the commitment are available here.

In our unit, there is a great team spirit, everyone is kept informed, help is available, and feedback on ideas is readily given, along with encouragement.

As an expert organisation, we need different perspectives. That’s why we actively involve staff in our development activities. Staff can also submit development ideas in our ideas bank and we will take them up where possible. The best ideas are rewarded annually.

Staff are listened to, and development suggestions are taken seriously. Sometimes initiatives can move ahead quickly if they are well prepared.

As part of our other responsibility work, we are a responsible employer. We build our employer role with a long-term view and offer secure employment. Our recruitment process is transparent. One way in which we have increased diversity and equality is by introducing anonymous recruitment. In anonymous recruitment, all personal information is hidden in the application, allowing the applicant to remain anonymous until the job interview. Employing young people is important to us, which is why we offer traineeships, summer jobs and the Young Professionals trainee programme.

I get to do work that corresponds with my values and which benefits society.

We are involved in the Oikotie Responsible Employer campaign, whose six principles are easy to endorse:

    • non-discrimination
    • flexibility and work-life balance
    • investing in managerial work
    • work content and significance
    • remuneration according to the demands of the position
    • good applicant experience.


    The quotes are responses given by staff in the Bank of Finland’s internal survey of views regarding the employer and the importance of the work.